Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka Variegata'
Common name
Chinese juniper
Juniperus can be prostrate or erect, evergreen shrubs or trees with aromatic, scale-like or sharply pointed awl-shaped leaves, and small globose fruits. This genus has 53 species and occupies a huge ecological and geographical range across the northern hemisphere. Junipers are found in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Central America, W India, the Canary Islands, and from sub-Arctic tundra, in the north to semi-desert in the tropics, reaching the limits of most higher plants of many alpine mountains.
Juniperus chinensis 'Kaizuka Variegata' (Variegated Chinese juniper) a truly beautiful upright dark green juniper with real character. Elegant arching branches that lend themselves to create an architectural feature in the garden. Can be pruned to keep its shape. A Lime Cross Favourite Propagated at Lime Cross Nursery.
Soil Type: Normal, heavy clay, light sandy, chalk, loam.
Aspect: Full sun.
Foliage Type: Evergreen.
Foliage Colour: Green needles.
Pot Size: 3 litre and 10 Litre.
Ultimate Height: 4-8m.
Ultimate Spread: 1-4m.
Growth Rate: 20 - 50 years.
Special Attributes: Makes a great accent plant for the garden landscape.