Pinus x schwerinii ‘Wiethorst'
Common name
‘Witches Broom'
Pinus is the largest group of conifers in the world, one hundred and thirteen species all evergreen trees or shrubs. It is almost an entirely northern hemisphere genus. There is no fossil record in the southern hemisphere and only one species just crosses the equator in northern Sumatra. Pinus species have attractive bark, developing an irregular outline with age and bearing long needle-like leaves in bundles of two, three or five; conspicuous cones may fall or remain on the tree for years.
Hand grafted and propagated at Lime Cross Nursery. An extraordinarily beautiful dwarf conifer which is one of the few existing cultivars of Pinus x Scherwinii. This small tree is pyramid shaped with a dense covering of long, light-green needles showing silvery undersides. The dangling needles wave in the wind giving a graceful, delicate appearance.
Soil Type: Normal, heavy clay, light sandy, chalk, loam.
Aspect: Full sun.
Foliage Type: Evergreen.
Foliage Colour: Green needles.
Pot Size: 3 litre and 10 litre.
Ultimate Height: 2.5m.
Ultimate Spread: 1.5m.
Growth Rate: 20 - 50 years.
Special Attributes: An unusual trait of this tree is its ability to produce an abundance of seed cones from an early age.